Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Neil Gaiman

Where to begin? Last night, four members of our local writing groups traveled to hear author Neil Gaiman (Coraline, The Graveyard Book, Stardust, and oh my, does the list go on) speak in Naperville. It was an amazing experience.

He read to us. No, you don't understand. He read to us. He read from Stardust (which he said is kind of like the movie, but more like a distant cousin than identical twins) and he read from the Anansi Boys, and I am only ever buying his audio books from now on.
After he read to us, he answered questions. Perhaps the most incredible part was how even poorly asked questions were answered in a way that pulled you into whatever situation he was describing.
One thing stands out above all the rest. Mr. Gaiman said he believes everyone is born knowing they can write, or draw, or create in some way. Then a day comes when someone tells them they can't, and then, suddenly they feel they can't. He compared it to walking a tightrope as a child and having someone tell you, "Don't look down". You weren't afraid until that moment. (That is the best paraphrase I can muster.)
At the end, he read a children's story called Instructions. It comes out in April.

We took our picture with "the other Neil". If you haven't read The Graveyard Book, you must. I bought one of the autographed copies.

*I was awake half the night thinking about Neil's comment about everyone's ability to create. He might not be aware of it, but that is actually a Biblical principle. Human beings were created in the image of a Creator God. Whether a person is a follower of God or not, when they create, they are imitating their Creator. More on that Here if you are interested.


  1. I love audio books...I'll have to look into finding one of his to listen to :-)

    I agree with your midnight thoughts completely.

  2. Now you make me wonder what I was told I could not do. *smile* Will have to give some time to that thought.

  3. On Neil's website he had (maybe still has, haven;t checked) the ENTIRE "Graveyard Book" videos with him doing the reading. Apparently, he did a tour, and read one chapter a night, and they videoed them an posted them all on his website for all to enjoy FOR FREE. He is an ASTOUNDING reader (and don't get me started on how much I admire his writing!). Fascinating person, I am extremely jealous and glad you got the chance to see him!
